"The name of "Aichi" derives from "Ayuchigata" in Man'yoshu (Anthology of Myriad Leaves), which was compiled in the 8th century. "Cranes flying toward Sakurada crying and spring-fed tide lands at low tide, cranes flying, crying". "Ayuchigata" is thought to be a cover near present day Atsuta-ward, Nagoya City. "Ayu" means "spring" and "spring wind", which allows for such interpretations as a land with rich springs and a land for which wind brings happiness from the sea. It also reminds us that this area was a rich natural environment."
"The Kasanagi-no-mitsurugi Sword was considered to be held by Yamato-takeru-nomikoto, who appears in Japanese mythology. In the 16th century, Oda Nobunaga of Owari appeared from among many warring lords who defended their own territories throughout Japan with the aim of unifying Japan. Toyotomi Hideyoshi succeeded Nobunaga and Tokygawa Ieyasu of Mikawa finally unified Japan and opened up Edo Bakufu. These three warriors are called the "Three Heroes" and are deeply intertwined with Aichi."
"Along with the activities of the "Three Heroes", many vassal warriors from Aichi began to govern every corner of Japan. This is why Aichi is called the "hometown of warriors". In the Edo Period, Owari was governed by the Owari Tokugawa Clan as an important area connecting Edo and Kyo. Nagoya Castle was built by large scale construction works, mobilizing lords from all over Japan which was called "Tenka Fushin"(Whole Country Construction). Many craftsmen gathered around Nagoya for the construction of large-scale projects. Thus, an industry and manufacturing culture flourished and a castle town was build in this way."
Thanks for letting me give you all a history lesson! More about Christmas in Nagoya during my next post!