Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cardboard City!!

I know it has been far to long since my last post!  This one will be mostly pictures but I'm working on a more substantial post to go up sometime this weekend. 

Last Saturday we had a children's event at the youth center.  We filled up an entire room full of cardboard and let the kids make whatever they wanted.  It was so much fun and the forts and things that the kids made were so creative!  This event was part of a program called the children's channel.  Six times a year the center runs events for children where they can come and do different events.  Each one has been fun!  It's also a good way to build community because many of the children and leaders come again and again.  This year we've made Udon noodles, played soccer and tag, and made Christmas crafts in addition to last weekends cardboard extravaganza!  Because space is limited in Nagoya, children don't often get a chance to play outside with other kids outside of school.  The purpose of these events is to give them the space to do that.  It's also wonderful because children of all ages come to play together with leaders who are mostly in their late teens and early twenties.
I hope you enjoy the pictures!  It was exactly as chaotic and fun as the pictures make it look!
The night before...

This one was build around the playground slide!

This is the kitchen in a cafe

In case you were wondering, yes, this is a cardboard toilet.
The aftermath