Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year I am thankful for:
Shrek Marathons
Care packages with cranberry sauce
Care packages without cranberry sauce
YWCA Japanese classes
My family
My friends in America
My friends in Japan
My friends everywhere else in the world
A rice cooker that always works even when my stove doesn't
Hanging out with 2 and 3 year olds three mornings a week
Being almost done with my seminary applications!
My Friday English classes and all the kids at ELCC
Japanese/English conversations with the girls in the office
Beautiful weather
That my family is all together today
Skype conversations with friends from home. 
Gilmore Girls on DVD
My own washer machine
An incredible support network back home
New and exciting opportunities this year
New Years Eve in TOKYO!
The leaves finally turning red in Nagoya this week
The most delicious clementines I've ever eaten
That Kaki (Persimmons) are in season
Answered prayers and that God always hears us, even when we can't voice our prayers
Alice's Restaurant on YouTube

Gobble Gobble Gobble!
<3 Christen


  1. Christen-
    I continue to be thankful for the wonderful experience that you are having and with Skype - all things are possible. We are certainly a blessed family. Love you big time.

  2. Christen,

    I saw your blog posted on Episcopal News Service in a story about YASC. I was in Nagoya as part of a 5 woman delegation from the Diocese of Maryland in 1996 who were invited to discuss the ordination of women to the priesthood (which failed to pass at the NSKK's General Convention the prior year). Mary-Pat Ashby+ and I were at St. Matthew's Cathedral with Bishop Hoya for one Sunday. Your posts bring back lots of memories of the wonderful people and the generosity of spirit I experienced there. Enjoy your time (and if you see Bp. Igarashi or Fr. Paul Tachikawa - say "hello" from me!).

    Anjel Scarborough+

  3. Rev. Anjel,
    It's good to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog! I'm glad you had such a great experience in Nagoya. The people here really are wonderful.
