Merry Christmas from Nagoya!
I had a wonderful Christmas this year. Before I left for Japan I had no idea what to expect during the upcoming holiday season. Here are some of my observations from Christmas in Nagoya.
-In Japan less than 1% of the population is Christian. However, Christmas decorations, presents, trees, lights, advertisements, and holiday sales are visible everywhere you turn in Japan. It's not as over the top as in America, but Christmas is a very popular commercial holiday in Japan.
-Christmas is not a big family holiday like it is in America. People don't get time of from work on Christmas so from what I've observed, Christians often celebrate Christmas with their churches. We had two Christmas services and parties all night on Christmas Eve and went caroling on Christmas Day night. I've heard that Christmas is a big "date-night" in Japan and that New Years Eve and Day is the holiday where families come together and celebrate.
-We really did have fried chicken and cake on Christmas Eve!
I loved the Christmas Eve celebrations at St. Stephan's on the 24th and I really enjoyed having a quiet Christmas morning to relax and skype with my family. My favorite part of the holiday, however, was Christmas Caroling on the night of the 25th. The priest at St. Stephan's is also the chaplain at the local prison so there are about 6-10 members of our parish who were baptized while serving life sentences or while on death row. On Christmas day at 9pm we went Christmas caroling outside around the prison. We would yell "Merry Christmas!" up at the windows after every song in hopes that everyone inside would hear us. It was a unique way to spend my Christmas night. Prison ministry has always been something I've thought about and in the spring I think I'll be able to go visit the members of St. Stephan's who are in prison.
St. Stephan's Church |
I hope and pray that my friends and family in America and around the world had great holidays. I missed everyone last week but I felt so supported by the cards, gifts and emails that I received. Thank you all so much!